Friday, April 10, 2009

Productive Relaxation

I had today off thanks to a CEO who made Good Friday an official company holiday a few years back just because. Ah, the joys of working at a tiny company. I used to view days off as an opportunity to be busily productive will all kinds of non-work things. Now, I just enjoy the ability to not leave the house, and relax in the recliner with coffee and our fur babies.

I didn’t leave the house today, but man, was I productive. I finished a book I’ve been working on for 2 weeks (review to come), I am now only stitches away from finishing my super secret cross stitch project that I’ve been mentioning for months, I napped (a must on any day off), I made baked banana donuts (which were a big hit with the cute boy in the house), and I made homemade BBQ chicken pizza for dinner with the dough from this recipe (also a hit). Yay me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

banana donuts? chicken pizza? you're such a chef! i'm a wiz with hamburger helper...and that's about it.