Sunday, April 26, 2009

Progressing Peacock

I have always thought peacocks were pretty, and since seeing them in Rhodes in quanitities similar to mallards on a Minnesota lake, I've been drawn to stitch them.

Here's my progress on a project that has been in the works since October 2008. I got a lot more stitching than reading done this weekend, and this was the subject of my efforts. It's a relaxing one to work on because there are few color changes, and once the brown outlines are in place, it's pretty difficult to make a major mistake. It's no Rhodes peacock, but it will brighten a room when it's finished.


Anonymous said...

It's looking good!


Anonymous said...

so pretty--i have no idea how you have the patience!

as for real-life peacocks--they scare me because they screech like crying children. it's a bit unnerving.