During the past couple days I was somehow reminded of a series of books I enjoyed during late elementary school. They were historical fiction, probably for teens, and each book was named after a girl...the only two I'm certain of are Joanna and Caroline. A lot of the books in the series were thick, at least in sixth grader terms - probably 250 pages or more. I remember keeping a log of how much time I spent reading one of the particularly long ones. (It's no wonder I thought I should be an accountant.)
The specific details of the stories have escaped my long-term memory, but I have fond feelings about those books. So, yesterday I went on Amazon to search for them. No luck. Even after various combinations of search criteria. Bookmooch, I thought. No luck. Maybe the online database for the library from which I actually check out those books 20 years ago. (Ack! 20 years ago?! I don't feel old enough to have actual memories of life 20 years ago.) Anyhoo, no luck, again.
I know I didn't dream these books. They existed! I swear! Does anyone else out there remember them?

Sadly, very few libraries will have an online database from 20 years ago. Yup. That old. Me too.
they aren't the historical series by ann rinaldi, are they? there's one, cast two shadows, with a caroline as the main character. this is the only historical fiction for kids series i can think of...
I found it!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunfire_(series)
(I came across this post as I contemplated reviving this defunct blog recently...)
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